Dairy farm Verleun: "Everything has to be right during the summer"

Customer Story,
3 min

Verleun invests in animal health

The Verleun family milks 145 dairy cows in Briltil, Groningen. The farm is characterized by an
excellently managed, healthy and fertile livestock. Animal health is an absolute top priority and it
should also be easy in the warm summer months.
“By investing in protection against the negative effects of heat stress, our cows are also doing very well in the summer months...”


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Warmer summers

It has also been very hot in Groningen in recent summers. Temperatures (far) above 30 degrees
were no exception in recent years. Nevertheless, the Verleun family managed to maintain the
health, production and fertility of their cows.
“We make conscious choices and want to pull our cows through the warm periods in a good way,”
says the Verleun family.


Everything has to be right

When production increases, everything has to be right, to ensure that production can also remain
high. In 2015, we faced various challenges, which resulted in many losses in terms of production,
Verleun looks back. Often for unexplained reasons, it just didn't go well, causing cows to drop out
too much and many other cows not performing optimally. Reduced resistance seemed to be the
reason for the (inexplicable) challenges.
Following the advice of our specialist, Jeep Aalders van De Heus, we started feeding OmniGen, a
clearly well researched product that protects the immune system. Over time, we saw that the cows
had a visibly better resistance. Initially, udder health improved, resulting in significantly less mastitis
and a lower somatic cell count. Later on, the effect on fertility, a constant higher production and
overall health became visible. OmniGen helps our farm keep everything right, even in challenging


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"OmniGen has proven to be a good insurance policy for us to minimize the impact of stress on the cows."
Dairy Farmer

Insurance for job satisfaction?

In addition to a good balance, the Verleun family also attaches great importance to ease of work and job satisfaction in order to have time for other things than the dairy farm. OmniGen has proven to be a good insurance policy for us to minimize the impact of stress on the cows. Even in the warm
summer months it continues to run smoothly and the results in terms of fertility, production and
health have remained at a good level. This works very well and prevents us from having to put in a
lot of negative energy to compensate for the effects of heat.


Balance remains important

Investing in the right solutions is always possible, says Verleun convincingly, even in bad times. It is a fact that more and more solutions are being offered, so it remains important to make the right
choices so that you choose what actually produces results. In 2016 we made the choice for
OmniGen. Of course there are costs involved, but these costs are clearly offset by the results. Health and fertility have clearly improved and remain higher in the summer.



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Witness the OmniGen effect!

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