Dairy Farm Brouca: "The cows also recovered well in September."

5 min

Mr. Brouca started using SaphirGen* from Sanders, containing OmniGen in April 2021, and is still using it today."

The cows are in cubicles and can graze part of the year.  "I started OmniGen at the beginning for heat stress, I was told that it would take a little time before I could see the results" "Finally, we had few periods of high heat, but this summer the cows produced well, always between 35 and 37kg when the herd was at 5-6 months of lactation" "The cows also recovered well in September.

"Overall, it's better in every way. As long as it works well on the inside, on what you can't see, it's all good. So yes, I think OmniGen is a plus."
Mr Brouca
Dairy farmer

We also asked Mr. Brouca to give us his observations outside of periods of heat stress: 

"The freshly calved cows don't suffer; they have a lot of energy and get into production quickly. What amazed me were the young cows, they really got into milk and the preparation with SaphirGen* must have really helped. "The cell rate is still good, around 40,000. The rates are maintained, which helped me gain an increase in the price of the milk. 
In terms of calving? "It's calving and it's delivering on its own, it's not just OmniGen but it's worth noting. 
"As I had started OmniGen for heat stress, I wanted to stop after September. I stopped for 15 days, then I hesitated and started again. 

What would be your conclusion today? 

"Overall, it's better in every way. As long as it works well on the inside, on what you can't see, it's all good.  So yes, I think OmniGen is a plus. 

A big thank you to Mr. Brouca for his welcome and his testimonial, as well as to Blandine CHAPLET, technical sales representative for Sanders Euralis for her technical support. 

Would you like to know more about the OmniGen solution? Please, contact us ? 

*SaphirGen is a solution proposed by Sanders and Sanders-Euralis incorporating the daily technical dose of OmniGen of 55gr/LV 


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