As a dairy farmer, your business is governed by all manner of rules and regulations, many of which can have an effect on your farm’s productivity. The list of regulations varies from country to country but continues to increase everywhere, with everything from CO2 emissions, environmental restrictions and regional laws all having an impact. How can you improve and optimise your farm’s productivity and get the most out of your dairy herd within limitations? One option might be to purchase additional land or to expand your herd, but we think there are more cost-effective solutions. In this blog, we outline a few tips to help you optimise your farm within the boundaries of these rules and regulations.
While the list of restrictions you have to deal with on your farm is getting longer and longer, there are always a few key rules or regulations which could have the most significant impacts. For example in the Netherlands, phosphate plays a decisive role in setting your production limit. In order to maintain a high efficiency, it is important to produce as much milk per kilo of phosphate as possible. Healthy cows with a high production are better for your farm’s efficiency. This, of course, is nothing new, but how can you achieve this?
Every cow that has to leave prematurely is one too many: you spent time, money and energy breeding the cow to have good longevity and feeding her to produce milk efficiently. But every now and again you have to sell cow that could have been producing milk for another lactation period. That is a big waste. The cow hasn’t been able to give its full value in milk.
A better alternative to buying more landing or milking more cows is to optimise the productivity of your existing herd. One of the most efficient ways of doing this, is to reduce your culling rate and improve each individual animal’s milk yield. How can you achieve this?
Every cow that is ill or not reaching her full potential costs you money and incurs extra work and hassle, and poses a higher risk of leaving the herd too early. The solution is to minimise the chance of infections such as mastitis, metritis and forced culling by investing in supporting cow immunity. This not only supports cow longevity but can also improve overall milk yield as the lactating herd will consist of fewer heifers.
Of course, a healthy, properly functioning immune system starts with a balanced ration and high-quality drinking water. Other factors are also important, such as housing, ventilation during heat stress and proper transition management. Even with proper management there will always be stress events which impact cow immunity that you can’t prevent. Feeding your cows OmniGen can help. For over 20 years, OmniGen has been scientifically-proven to support the immune capability of dairy cows. Research shows that involuntary culls on dairy farms can reduced significantly when OmniGen is included in the dairy ration.
Optimising your herd’s health and immunity pays off. If you invest in cow immunity, your herd will be less susceptible to diseases and will produce more milk, thereby giving you opportunities to improve your overall productivity. OmniGen is the product that supports immune capability and helps to maintain a high level of immunity during stress events. Contact us and we will tell you all about the possibilities for improving herd immunity on your farm.